What Are Digital Services?

“Digital services” means using tech-based tools like online chat, text messaging, and video calls to provide services to survivors. Many victim service programs are considering or have adopted these to supplement in-person and hotline support services. But there’s more to it than buying the right software. The resources below are written for domestic violence programs, sexual assault programs, and victim service agencies that offer support for survivors.  Please contact us with questions.

Assessing Readiness

Offering additional communication options is crucial to survivor-centered programming, but must be done with great caution. Programs must first invest time and energy to assess their readiness to provide digital services, and develop strong policies and procedures that will ensure high quality services that are centered in victim safety and privacy.

Choosing Technology

In choosing a digital services platform, the first step is to consider which type of tool is best suited to the service you want to provide, and how using that platform may impact security, privacy, and safety. Once you have decided on a digital services platform, there may be more than one vendor to choose from.

Best Practices

Programs must develop strong policies and procedures that will ensure high quality services that are centered in victim safety and privacy. Before launching any new service, use these tools to prepare to offer high quality, survivor-centered advocacy.