Technology has become an essential part of how courts function and how litigants interact. The resources in this toolkit are intended to help judges and judicial officers respond to the technological needs of their courts and domestic violence cases involving the misuse of technology. These resources include tools and information about various technology platforms, how technology is misused in the context of domestic violence, understanding and admitting technology evidence, judicial ethics in technology, and leadership opportunities involving technology in the courts.

Many of these resources are used in the Cyberviolence Court Training Initiative trainings developed by NNEDV in collaboration with the National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges (NCJFCJ). For more information about training opportunities or for technical assistance, please contact us.

Learn about technology and misuse

The ways that litigants use—and misuse—technology is changing rapidly. Learn more about some of the ways that the use and misuse of technology are changing domestic violence cases. Resources in this section include a guide on current online platforms and technology terms, a guide about primary functions of popular tech platforms, unique quizzes to test your technology savviness, and other Safety Net toolkits and resources.

Understanding and admitting digital evidence

Digital evidence is an essential part of many court cases. This section comprise resources to help judges and judicial officers better understand the benefits and challenges of digital evidence and how to successfully navigate it. Resources include a judicial guide created by NNEDV in collaboration with NCJFCJ on gathering technology evidence for court and a legal system toolkit for civil and criminal justice professionals.

Judicial Ethics in the use of technology

The use of technology in society has created new ethical concerns for judges and judicial officers. For example, is it okay for judges to post comments online about their hobbies? Geared toward judges and judicial officers, this section offers solutions and possible answers to these questions, including the National Center for State Court’s current and relevant judicial advisory opinions on the use of social media as well as a judicial ethics quiz and answers on social media use.

Judicial leadership and technology in the courts

Judges and judicial officers play an instrumental role in effecting change to systems impacting survivors of cyberviolence and technology-facilitated abuse. This section is intended to help identify current and future issues and develop solutions. Resources include guides on drafting technology responsive dispositions, using technology to enhance efficiency in and access to the courts, improving accessibility for self-represented litigants, and examining the changing legal landscape as it relates to the rise of cyberviolence cases.

© 2019 National Network to End Domestic Violence, Safety Net Project. This toolkit is funded through a grant from the Office for Victims of Crime, Office of Justice Programs, U.S. Department of Justice. Neither the U.S. Department of Justice nor any of its components operate, control, are responsible for, or necessarily endorse, this web site and toolkit (including, without limitation, its content, technical infrastructure, and policies, and any services or tools provided).