Increasing Awareness of Tech Abuse and the Importance of Privacy

Safety Net recently participated in some efforts to raise awareness about the complexities of technology abuse and the importance of privacy for survivors. In a podcast for Coda Currents, Erica Olsen shared examples of how technology is often misused as a tactic of abuse.

Toby Shulruff also talked with Consumer Reports about devices and privacy settings. The resulting article includes some helpful pointers for survivors who are looking to minimize privacy and safety risks with their tech. It also breaks down several steps to increase privacy and minimize the possibility of abuse, including:

  • email accounts

  • social media accounts

  • ride-hailing apps (Uber, Lyft)

  • streaming media (Netflix, Uber)

  • bank and credit card sites, cable, phone, and utility companies,

  • and computer and mobile device passwords.

For additional information read the full article, How to Shut Stalkers Out of Your Tech, and share with anyone who may be concerned about their privacy. In addition, for a deeper dive into maintaining control over your information, check out their Security Planner Tool that they revised last year with Safety Net’s input.